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The Memory of the Water

While I was thinking about the words of my interviewees and their experiences, I remembered my fist dive and the feeling of paralyzing panic while I was on the surface because the sea was very rough. Then the instructor took my hand, calmed me, told me that I should not be afraid. And slowly we began to dive deeply. I remember the silence, the peace and the joy of the discovery of a dimension that I did not know, invisible from the earth. A dimension in which the body floats without weight, the notion of space and time is lost and one has the sensation of finding oneself in one’s own element of origin. There, too, there is a light, which comes from the surface, intense but not blinding because it is refracted by water. I believe that nature gives us all the tools to understand what really is the meaning of our existence. And it is only when we truly abandon ourselves to it that we understand that we are one with the universe. I would like to dedicate this space to the impressions (positive or negative) that can follow the vision of my documentary. So if you want, please write a comment.